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Ingredient group: Coenzyme A

This group contains 2 ingredients.


CAS Registry Number®: 85-61-0 (100%)
PubChem CID: 87642 (50%)

C21H36N7O16P3S (100%)
767.5 g/mol (50%)
767.535 g/mol (50%)


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Ingredients from this group

Coenzyme A

CAS Registry Number®: 85-61-0
PubChem CID: 87642
ChEBI: 15346
KEGG: C00010
Formula: C21H36N7O16P3S
Mass: 767.5 g/mol

Coenzym A

CAS Registry Number®: 85-61-0
ChEBI: 15346
KEGG: C00010
Formula: C21H36N7O16P3S
Mass: 767.535 g/mol